Republican Representative urges party to end internal conflict and unite


Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., sounds off on Biden’s pause of arms shipments to Israel and the failed motion to vacate the House speaker.

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  1. Couldn't agree more. MTG & Matt Gaetz love to her themselves shout & get photo ops. They spent so much time blasting other GOP members & Speakers that I wonder if they EVER work on introducing legislation bills to help this country. The Dems are the same way with loudmouth AOC & the other female members of the so-called 'Squad'. They accomplish nothing but negative headlines for themselves.

  2. Hey ! Let's "Make America Great Again ", by telling these Democrats to quit lying and STEALING, STEALING, STEALING from the American people and instead choose to SUPPORT OUR law enforcement . 😮 Tell OUR "MEDIA " to quit lying and STEALING, STEALING, STEALING from the American people and instead choose to SUPPORT OUR law enforcement . 😮 LAW AND ORDER 😮 SEAL OUR BORDER 😮 SECURE USA !

  3. Mike Johnson gave everything to Biden and Democrats.
    How can the Patriotic Base of the Party and Populist Politicians like Greene and Gaetz unite with a Guy who surrendered everything to Democrats???

  4. I like when politicians give the lip service we all want to hear. I feel like things are getting done, I am being heard, and best of all, nobody actually needs to stand up and do anything.

  5. Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Let MAGA eat their own! The Republican party is flip flop on anything Biden! I'm finished with the Republican party! Vote blue and later we will repair the grand old party!

  6. I understand the opinionof MTG and others that Speaker Mike Johnson is not ideal. I don't agree with some of what he has allowed to happen in the house lately – specifically the vote to affirm a fortune in foreign aid with zero action to secure our border! That was just stupid. Yes, the GOP is weak in the house with only a tiny majority now. But the 11 GOP (including Biggs, Gosar, & Eli Crane of AZ) who voted to fire Johnson need to just have patience, and let it ride until after the election. I am not impressed with your inability to be united as a GOP conference. If only 11 of you agreed to this, you were doomed to fail, and just look moronic.
    With luck we should be able to pick up some more seats and then you will have a better majority. Choose a new speaker in January. Keep the focus on the fall elections, don't distract again with this obsession to divide the GOP in the house. The GOP needs to show a united front. The constant bickering is not productive and just shows the republicans' weakness. We can't go through this farce again, it only makes the Dems look better. And to Mike Johnson and other GOP members who supported the aforementioned action to NOT secure our border, that was horribly irresponsible and we won't tolerate it forever. We will remember their actions at the next elections!

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