Republican Challenger of Bob Casey Praises Fetterman for Strong Stance on Israel


Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick praised Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) for his support of Israel, while also taking a jab at his opponent, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA). McCormick, a West Point graduate and former Bush administration official, is running against Casey in the upcoming election and has made backing Israel a key issue in the race. Although both candidates claim to be allies of Israel, McCormick has positioned himself to the right of Casey on the topic, criticizing Casey’s support for the Iran nuclear deal and endorsement of Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA), a member of the “Squad” who has voiced opposition to Israel.

Fetterman has made his stance on Israel clear, rejecting progressive calls for a ceasefire during the conflict in Gaza and criticizing the Biden administration’s decision to halt ammunition shipments to Israel. McCormick commended Fetterman’s clarity on the issue, emphasizing the importance of bipartisan support for Israel.

McCormick accused Casey of pressuring Israel to change course and accept defeat, citing Casey’s comments about providing humanitarian aid to Gaza. He also highlighted Casey’s support for Lee’s congressional run, despite expressing disagreement with her on certain issues.

Fetterman jokingly referenced McCormick’s ties to Connecticut, where he worked as a hedge fund manager, in response to the praise he received. McCormick, a Pittsburgh native, bought a house in Pennsylvania to run for Senate.

Despite falling short in the previous election cycle and trailing Casey in polls, McCormick has focused his campaign on key Republican themes such as support for Israel, immigration, and the economy. He hopes to defeat Casey with his anti-Washington message and outsider perspective. Fetterman predicted that McCormick would not come within 3 points of Casey in reputable polls.

Casey’s campaign did not respond to McCormick’s comments.

David Sivak
David Sivak
David Sivak manages the Congress and campaigns team. He was previously an editor at the Daily Caller, helping to stand up the outlet’s fact-checking arm. His work has been cited in publications ranging from Fox News to the Washington Post.

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