Rep. Jim Jordan: 'Where's Mayorkas?'


Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, calls out the administration’s response to the attempts against former President Trump’s life on ‘America Reports.’

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  1. One name explains everything going on in the Middle East: Rob Malley. He was the special envoy to Iran for this administration, and it turns out he was sharing clarified material with Iran. This administration removed his security clearance and then quietly reinstated it until a few members of Congress noticed. Since then, we haven't heard anything about him. We also learned recently that Iran hacked the Trump campaign and shared the info with Biden/Harris surrogates. No consequences for that yet either. The fact is this administration badly wants back into the JCPOA and will do anything to appease Iran so they'll re-enter the agreement. Thank God Iran is smart enough to know that a unilateral agreement between them and this administration means nothing when a new administration comes into office. That's probably why this administration is bending over backwards to appease Iran. They're still hoping Iran will do it without approval from the US congress. It might even be the only reason they're letting Israel off the leash more than the Democrat party would like to see. The way in Gaza is a pressure point for Iran and it's proxies. Basically it's "enter into a nuclear agreement or we'll do the same thing to you as we're doing to Russia. We'll approve just enough weapons shipments go Israel for them to continue fighting but not enough to win the right. Do you want to be the next Russia?". This whole administration is corrupt and needs to be removed from power immediately.

  2. The big question is why was the Mayorkas impeachment dismissed without a trial in the Senate. Mayorkas is either incompetent or, more likely, complicit in the conspiracy to import illegal aliens (to sway the vote) and to provide Trump with substandard secret service protection in the hope that he will be eliminated.

  3. Just imagine. IF you knew , like I knew and the Jan 6 th crew knew and anybody with a brain knew that the LAPTOP conspiracy involving 51 intelligence agents that weren't fooled is a RACKETEERING operation that at the very least Hunter is guilty by silence.

  4. A lot of traitors in holding top positions in the Biden/Harris administration. Don’t think they’re not illegally spying on their enemies (conservatives ) emails and anything else they can look through on our phones and computers. Especially having algorithms focusing on those with negative opinions about this current WH.

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