Democrats ‘bit off more than they could chew’ by going after Trump: Reince Priebus


Former Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon and former Trump administration chief of staff Reince Priebus discuss the legal attacks Democrats are throwing at former President Trump on ‘Hannity.’

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  1. Donald Trump, If you read this.

    Their is only one way you can go down in history as the greatest President ever…

    If you can get term limits passed. That's the only way we can save America…

    There is only one way to get it passed…

    Slip term limits into a 1000-page bill and get it passed without anyone knowing.. That will be the greatest day in American history, and you will go down as the greatest president in American history (a statue of you will stand at the capitol building).

    It should've been in the original constitution…

  2. So…Trump never met Stormey, didn't know her but he paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about something that he never did. This makes perfect sense to the maga crowd.

  3. Lawfare is very dangerous. The people will rise up against all these damned corrupt politicians, AGs and Judges. The Democrats are Communists. Make no mistake. Biden took millions from Chinese Officials linked to the CCP through Hunter Biden

  4. By waving the sanctions against Iran not enforcing them Joe Biden has effectively financed the war against Israel my Hezbollah Hamas houthis. By acting meek he invited attack by Russia of Ukraine….

  5. Is anybody surprised about this situation?
    Hasn’t it been obvious since the JB and his mob took office?
    Honestly talk of being blind and naïve is an understatement.

    Most establishments and institutions in western Countries are corrupted and infiltrated.
    For the US and what’s left of the free world Trump is the LAST chance.

  6. The femocrat party has failed America. There is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube now with the border, inflation, Ukraine, our ally Israel, and the American hostages held or killed by Hamas, AND the total disintegration of these Universities.

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