Reflections on O.J. Simpson’s Trial from the Perspective of Alan Dershowitz, One of His Attorneys


The passing of O.J. Simpson brings back memories of his highly controversial criminal trial and the divisive verdict that followed. Americans were sharply divided along racial lines, with many African Americans believing in his innocence and many whites convinced of his guilt.

One pivotal moment in the trial was when Simpson tried on the infamous glove that didn’t fit. I was present in the courtroom and witnessed him proclaiming that the glove was too small. I advised him not to testify, as his statement to the jury had already served as testimony. He followed my advice and refrained from taking the stand.

The Simpson case shed light on the racial tensions in our country and the impact of televising trials. Following his acquittal, I, along with others, urged Simpson to maintain a low profile. However, he chose a different path and faced further legal troubles, including a conviction in Nevada.

Despite his legal troubles, O.J. Simpson will be remembered as a prominent figure in football and the entertainment industry. His trial exposed racial divides, corruption within law enforcement, and the complexities of the American legal system. Ultimately, his legacy remains complex and multifaceted.

Alan Dershowitz is a retired professor from Harvard Law School and the author of several books. This piece originally appeared in the Alan Dershowitz Newsletter.

Alan M. Dershowitz
Alan M. Dershowitz
Professor at Harvard Law School for 50 years, now emeritus. Active in litigation, writing, and defense of civil liberties and human rights.

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