John Ratcliffe Slams New York’s Prosecution of Trump as a ‘Train Wreck’


Former DNI John Ratcliffe joins ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ to give his legal analysis of the ‘coordinated’ NY v. Trump case, the classified documents case and Israel-Hamas negotiations.

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  1. If Donald Trump accomplished as much as Biden has he would probably go down as the greatest president in American history…. Unfortunately for him he was just a puppet of Putin… that’s not good.

  2. God bless Trump and all MAGA Americans ❤!Brandon, when he finally became president after his third bid, would do precisely what he warned against just years prior. Brandon's ill-fated decision to pull out all American troops from Afghanistan.  recommendations from his military advisors, would become one of America's most embarrassing moments in history.

  3. Trump should just move yo Canada. We have golf courses. Lara Trump would make a good President!!! It would take years to extradite Trump and by that time, Lara could pardon Donald, andhe could serve as Vice President. What did Joe Biden, and Camilla Harris do as Vice President. Sweet Blleep all. trump could meet with xi, And kim ,and his other Dicktator friends and do comedy, or whatever. He's old take s break.

  4. Imagine being paid to kiss trumps butt even when you and your bosses know he's dead wrong, lying and corrupt.. when tucker said he hates trump sure he really really meant that sht.. and i know ppl like hannity cant wait for him to get convicted and go to jail or lose the elections and be outta the picture for good

  5. Fun fact: trumpito has been treated with kid gloves vs the average citizen. We all know if you violate a gag order you go to jail.. Fact!! 👈🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣

  6. This is being deleted by you tube is that not a violation of free speech > Biden and democrats are a financial criminal empire against this nation and why nothing is done when there is a law called The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act which is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization against AMERICANS and why nothing is being done well you tell me. AMERICANS cannot survive this financial wrath because the leadership of this nation can not control there spending and Biden and democrats have betrayed AMERICANS by creating inflation with lies manipulation and dirty money

  7. My Trump Trial predictions for MAGAt trolls and Trumpers only.

    He farts, poops his pants, scowls, falls asleep and looks scared and lonely.

    Please post your ad hominem and pointless diatribe below.

    Emojis make you look smarter.

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