Protester disrupts Northeastern University graduation ceremony with anti-Israel message


An individual disrupted a commencement ceremony at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts by wearing a shirt with fake blood and the words “NEU Kills” and waving Palestinian flags. Despite the interruption, the speaker at the event asked for respect for the graduates and guests in attendance. The protester was eventually removed from the ceremony.

Similar disruptions have occurred at other universities, including the University of Michigan, University of Utah, and University of Vermont. Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments have been seen nationwide, starting at Columbia University and resulting in suspensions, arrests, and clashes with law enforcement.

Multiple colleges and universities have taken action to dismantle these protests and encampments, citing concerns about safety and adherence to campus policies. The president of George Washington University expressed support for critical dialogue on the Gaza crisis but condemned the occupation of university property by protesters.

Pro-Palestinian encampments continue to persist on campuses like GWU, University of North Carolina, and University of Chicago, highlighting the ongoing tension and activism surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Elizabeth Weibel
Elizabeth Weibel
Maryland raised. Virginia based.

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