Progressive Women’s Groups Mum on Emhoff’s Affair


Several prominent progressive women’s organizations have remained tight-lipped about the alleged infidelity of Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris. Despite their outspoken advocacy for women’s rights and reproductive freedom, groups such as EMILYs List, the National Organization for Women, the Women’s Liberation Front, and the Feminist Majority Foundation have declined to comment on Emhoff’s reported affair with the family’s former nanny.

Emhoff has publicly acknowledged the affair, stating that he “took responsibility” for his actions during his first marriage to film producer Kerstin Emhoff. However, the groups that have been vocal about promoting women’s empowerment and accountability in leadership have been notably silent on the matter.

The alleged affair, which reportedly occurred while Emhoff’s children’s nanny, Najen Naylor, was working for the family, has raised questions about Emhoff’s character and his advocacy for women’s rights. Emhoff has been a vocal supporter of abortion access, stating in an interview with NBC News that men should be advocating for women’s reproductive freedom as a matter of fairness.

The incident has also highlighted the apparent hypocrisy of some progressive women’s groups, which have been quick to criticize men in power for their personal conduct but have remained silent on Emhoff’s alleged infidelity. The groups’ lack of response has sparked criticism, with some arguing that they are holding Emhoff to a different standard than other men in power.

The Willows Community School, where Naylor worked as a teacher and teaching assistant in addition to her role as the Emhoff’s nanny, has tuition prices ranging from $32,525 to $41,535. The school’s community has been shaken by the allegations, with some friends of Naylor’s reportedly confirming the affair while others have denied the pregnancy allegations.

Emhoff’s statement on the matter has been met with skepticism by some, who argue that his acknowledgement of the affair is insufficient and that he has not taken adequate responsibility for his actions. The incident has sparked a wider conversation about the accountability of men in power and the need for greater transparency and honesty in leadership.

Elizabeth Weibel
Elizabeth Weibel
Maryland raised. Virginia based.

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