Pro-Hamas protesters rage in DC, burn American flag


Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss pro-Palestinian protests amid Netanyahu’s congressional address and FBI Director Wray’s testimony on Capitol Hill.

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  1. Democrats are the only people who would burn the American flag. The democrats are the ones who made it legal to do so , "Freedom of Speech". Meanwhile in blue states if you misgender and say the wrong thing, you can get arrested for hate speech. LOL!

  2. This is Democrat's America. They've brought terrorism to our soil and have turned us 3rd world….. the icing is no more voting either, they chose for you. Democrats Hate America and Americans

  3. These ignoramus pro-HAMAS protesters doesn't really know what they're up to. They're just displaying their arrogance. And they're even idiotic to chose being traitors burning the AMERICAN FLAG. It's too ironic for these fools to be quizlings but never wanting to leave AMERICA and live their wasting lives in PALESTINE out there in the M.E.!!!

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