Out of Touch: Minnesota Governor Claims Americans Are Better Off Under Biden


In a recent interview with Michigan’s Fox 17 WXMI, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the 2024 Democratic vice presidential candidate, asserted that Americans are economically better off now than they were four years ago.

When asked to respond to a question posed to Vice President Kamala Harris during a debate, regarding whether Americans are better off economically than they were four years ago, Walz seized the opportunity to provide a direct answer. “I believe that Americans are indeed better off economically than they were four years ago, thanks to our administration’s efforts to build an economy that works for the middle class,” he stated.

Walz criticized his opponent, Donald Trump, for prioritizing the interests of his wealthy friends over those of the middle class. “Trump promised his rich friends at Mar-a-Lago that they would get a tax cut, and he delivered,” Walz said. “However, in doing so, he decimated the middle class, making it more difficult for them to make ends meet and placing additional burdens on them.”

Walz emphasized that Trump lacks a plan to address issues that matter to the middle class, such as affordable childcare and economic growth. In contrast, Walz argued that the Biden-Harris administration has a clear vision for rebuilding the economy and creating opportunities for all Americans.

“We’ve made significant progress in rebuilding our economy after the COVID-19 pandemic, which Trump mismanaged,” Walz said. “Our policies reflect the values of hardworking Americans who deserve to be paid a fair wage for a fair day’s work.” Walz also highlighted the importance of home ownership, which he believes is a fundamental aspect of the American dream. “For many of us, home ownership is a cornerstone of who we are as a society,” he said. “However, for those on Wall Street, it’s just a commodity to be traded. I believe that Donald Trump has sided with those interests, while Kamala Harris is committed to standing up for the middle class.”

Ian Hanchett
Ian Hanchett
Hillsdale graduate.

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