Newt Gingrich: The Biden team was in a state of panic


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich discusses how President Biden and former President Trump agreed to two debates on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

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  1. Come on folks ….do you really believe that these debates will take place?
    Biden and the Democrats will concoct some fake crisis to make sure that the debates don't happen.
    You heard it here first America😅

  2. It’s not that they agreed to two debates. Rico trump said he would debate Biden anytime, anywhere, with any rules. Biden told him the when, the where and the how, but Rico trump is now backing out. LOL

  3. The Democrats need the polls to be closer so that when 10 million mail-in votes mysteriously appear to give them a victory, they can dismiss the polls and say it is the will of the people.

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