Newt Gingrich: It's beginning to sink in that Kamala Harris isn't telling the truth


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich discusses the latest presidential polling data and lays out Vice President Kamala Harris’ policies as Election Day nears on ‘Hannity.’

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  1. character issues!! i wouldnt go there.sexual abuser ,fraudster ,grifter,misogynist,narcissist, insurrectionist , national TRAITOR, draft dodger, aspiring dictator, un laughing stock and embarrassment to your country , IQ that matches shoe size, pervert ,rapist, self confessed genius, mother of all liars. spiritually and morally bankrupt, some one no decent parent would allow within miles of a teenage daughter, and an utterly weak minded imbecile

  2. Hey Newt, the hostility you whine about starts with buddies making anti abortion rights laws respecting the tax exempt political Catholic establishment of religion, specifically by over turning Roe v Wade.

    Newt, you and six SCOTUS Justices are Papist who’s higher loyalty is to the infallible Pope of the Roman Catholic church.

    Let’s just be honest here. No more Trump strategy of demonizing non religious persons by bearing endless false witnessing against thy neighbors, ok Newt and phony Fox News?

  3. Soooo… what you are saying is, her "Excuse me… I am speaking now" would not give the nation leaders of America's enemies a sese of Americas strength on the world stage…?? How dare you… You all must be racist, women haters.

  4. Thank the Lord we knew Trump was a self centered disrespectful liar from day one. Newt knows Trump had a character issue from the beginning. What a fool to think most Americans, including Republicans, don't know that.

  5. Remember when Trump callously tossed those Bounty quicker picker upper paper towels at the Puerto Ricans during Hurricane Maria? Pepperidge Farms remembers but I imagine you either prefer to purposely forget or don't care. do you, Cletus?

  6. After being disbarred in New York, Giuliani was now also disbarred in Washington, DC for his role in the Jan 6 insurrection.
    At the same time, Trump once again admitted defeat in the 2020 election. Has he apologized for spreading the Big Lie and thereby laying the axe to the foundation of American democracy? I think not. He's been beaten in over 50 court cases for that one, too. Will he ever? Did you hear about it on Fox News? So many questions. You definitely heard multiple media personalities on all the far right channels baselessly claiming Trump had won, for years and years, and making excuses for the violent Jan 6 insurrectionists. Blue lives apparently somehow cease to matter to the right when the men and women in blue are trying to protect the capital from maga crowds.
    "They beat us by a whisker, they beat us just by a little whisker. He beat us from the basement." Donald J. Trump admits – again – to the Big Lie, 25 September, 2024. They actually beat Trump by seven million votes and it's shaping up to be ten million this year but hey, who's counting? Not the Donald, that's for sure. Too busy ti hawk $100,000 watches and slimy crypto scams.

  7. Newt Gingrich makes his living coming on shows like these and staying on message. He hasn't been relevant in decades. And, he left as House Speaker in disgrace when he did leave just like McCarthy. And, both of these men line up and deliver their lines to get their Fox paychecks. Gingrich does NOTHING ELSE but appear on Fox to whine.

  8. "Isn't telling the truth?" Let's see, Fox News, settles in a court of law with Dominion for $787.5 million for not telling the truth. Trump, adjudicated for $83.3 million for not telling the truth. Kamala Harris, accused by Trump and Fox News, with NO EVIDENCE, for isn't telling the truth. Oh my goodness, who should I believe?

  9. ?¿ Don't forget that g.o.p. has given U.S. A RECESSION every time since EISENHOWER! Well, Regan DOUBLED the DEFICIT to stop one that Nixon Started! tRUMP increased the DEFICIT 33% and STILL had one! And how many BANKRUPTCYs has tRUMP had, ALREADY?

  10. In the Fox News bubble, Donald Trump is seen as a hero, but this ignores the reality that he initiated the January 6th insurrection and poses a threat to democracy. By supporting him, they are enabling authoritarianism.

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