New York City Dance Company Provides Therapeutic Support for Veterans


Fox News correspondent Madeleine Rivera joins ‘Fox News Live’ with the story behind a dance company helping veterans ‘express their pain when words fall short.’

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  1. Sorry but this moronic garbage is not going to help how about doing things like give less money to illegal immigrants and socialist scumbags and more money for programs that actually help our veterans help them get homes and jobs

  2. Veterans are just SUCKERS AND LOSERS according to Trump (who avoided military service by citing a bone spur in his foot)…he has made it crystal clear what he thinks about the USA's military – like when he denigrated Republican Senator John McCain, who spent years as a Vietnam prisoner of war, saying “What the f—- are we doing that for?" (referring to the flags at half staff for his funeral), "that guy is a f'ing loser"……and in 2015, shortly after launching his presidential candidacy, Trump publicly blasted McCain, saying “He’s not a war hero.” He added, “I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump also referred to former President George H.W. Bush as a “loser” because he was shot down by the Japanese as a Navy pilot in World War II. … just who exactly is the ACTUAL LOSER??

  3. 🙏Lord Jesus, I always thank you for helping me
    overcome poverty, our government has no idea
    how people are suffering economically these days
    in the world. Thank you, Mrs. Deborah Lee Clark, imagine
    investing $6,000 and receiving $14,000 every 10 days.

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