NATO Summit: Biden Introduces Zelenskyy as Putin, Raising Questions About His Mental and Physical Health


At the NATO Summit in Washington, DC, President Joe Biden faced a cringe-worthy moment on Thursday, mistakenly introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Russian President Vladimir Putin. The blunder has sparked renewed concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities and political viability, with some Democrats questioning whether he should remain the party’s presumptive nominee.

As Biden welcomed Zelenskyy to the podium, he introduced him as Putin, only to correct himself seconds later. “President Putin,” Biden said, before stumbling over his words. “He’s going to beat President Putin… President Zelenskyy.” The awkward exchange left the audience in an uncomfortable silence, with only a slow round of applause in response.

Zelenskyy has reportedly expressed concerns about Biden’s health, following his debate performance earlier this year. In a press conference, Zelenskyy hinted at the uncertainty surrounding Biden’s fitness for office, saying, “Everyone is waiting for November… The whole world is looking to November, and truly speaking, Putin awaits November too.”

Biden’s struggles with unscripted events are well-documented, with reports of aides reminding him of key information during donor events. His health has been a subject of concern, with diagnoses including atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy, and hyperlipidemia. He has also been known to trip and stumble on multiple occasions during his presidency.

In an effort to draw less attention to his physical ailments, Biden has begun using multiple aides to accompany him on walks to and from Marine One, and has started boarding Air Force One from the rear stairs. His wardrobe has also undergone a change, opting for specially crafted sports shoes instead of traditional dress shoes.

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll, 72% of registered voters believe Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, a number that has increased by seven points following his debate performance. As the presidential election approaches, Biden’s handlers will face increasing scrutiny over his abilities, with some Democrats already calling for a change in the party’s leadership.

Wendell Husebo
Wendell Husebo
Former GOP War Room Analyst and founder of Healthy Living Magazine.

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