Nancy Mace Criticizes College Protesters as Supporters of Terrorism and Anti-Semitism


South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace calls for colleges to be ‘defunded’ and for the reversal of Biden’s student loan forgiveness over anti-Israel protests.

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  1. Or maybe Congress can help end the war with peace talks.
    Seems like the best way to stop protesters. I know it’s asking a lot of congresswoman to do her job.
    I doubt a Fox News interview is helping the situation at all.

  2. Nancy Mace is talking out the side of neck to promote fear and hate of minorities because that's all the racist bigoted white nationalist neo-nazis white supremacists Republicans party has to offer their voters. Those students were protesting Israel doing genocide on the the women and children in the Gaza Strip. Israel has murdered over 13,000 innocent children and over 10,000 innocent women who are not Hamas. Noticed fox fake news never mentioned that happened to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip because it goes against their campaign of hate towards people of color.

  3. stop using the term “conservatives” to refer to the Radical Right Wing of politics today, as represented by the current version of the Republican Party. When you do that, you insult those of us who truly are conservatives, and you miss an opportunity to connect with folks who might be of a similar mind to yourself.

  4. During the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests” as always described by Western politicians and media) in Hong Kong 2019 – 20, students took over the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The rioters (sorry, “peacefully protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media) used petrol bombs against the police at both places, and bows and arrows at PolyU. At the CUHK they threw rocks and metal onto the nearby railway line and onto the Tolo Highway. At the PolyU they tried to block the Cross Harbor Tunnel. They also threw rocks at ordinary citizens trying to clear the barricades the rioters (sorry, “peacefully protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media) had built between Austin Road and Chatham Road. The Hong Kong Baptist University, the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong were also occupied by the rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media). Politicians from the US and UK expressed support for the rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media). Nancy Pelosi called the overall violence and mayhem a “beautiful sight”, and Ted Cruz travelled to Hong Kong to offer his support. Various other politicians from the US & UK sought to instruct the government of Hong Kong as to how it should deal with the violence (sorry, “peaceful protests” as always described by Western politicians and media). It is highly amusing to see these protests at campuses in the US being described as if the whole of academia in the country was now on the verge of irreparable collapse. It is also interesting to see how the US police behave considering how the Global West castigated the police in Hong Kong during the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests as always described by Western politicians and media). The Global West backed the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests as always described by Western politicians and media) hoping to discredit China. It wanted to put so much pressure on the Hong Kong Police that the PLA would be have to be deployed on the streets. The Hong Kong Police were too professional for that to be required. It would also be amusing if these protests on campuses around the US necessitated the deployment of the National Guard. Karma

  5. What makes you different between these kids cuz you doing the same s*** just in a different way you trying to be more slick with yours nothing what they doing is right but who the f*** you want to put up with bulshit you were just f*** Michael said you don't keep trying and you don't keep looking stupid and I wish to f*** you would sit there and play with imma be filing an appeal like you don't know me so stop playing with me like that before you get your feelings hurt I don't give a f*** who told you to do that what you about to be looking real stupid then you going to be in trouble for child neglect. Go ahead and keep playing with me

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