MSNBC’s Molly Jong-Fast Sinks to New Low with Racist Rant Against JD Vance


In a shocking display of racial demagoguery, MSNBC contributor Molly Jong-Fast unleashed a vitriolic tirade against Republican VP nominee JD Vance on Tuesday’s “Morning Joe” segment. Jong-Fast’s outburst was prompted by a question about Americans who choose not to have children, which she somehow managed to twist into a racist rant.

According to Jong-Fast, Vance’s desire to see more families with children in the United States is actually a thinly veiled call for “more white children” to be born. This absurd claim is not only baseless but also laughably debunked by the fact that Vance has three biracial children with his Indian-American wife Usha.

Jong-Fast’s comments are a stark example of the kind of racial hysteria that has come to define the left’s approach to politics. Rather than engaging in a nuanced discussion about the complexities of family planning and demographics, Jong-Fast and her ilk prefer to resort to simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric.

It’s ironic that Jong-Fast and her MSNBC colleagues claim to be champions of social justice, yet they consistently demonstrate a callous disregard for the very principles of equality and fairness that they purport to uphold. Their obsession with finding racism in every corner of American society has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as they manufacture outrage and division where none exists.

If Jong-Fast is genuinely concerned about the demographics of American families, perhaps she should take a closer look at the family of Vice President Kamala Harris, whose stepchildren are a testament to the diversity and complexity of modern American families. But it’s unlikely that Jong-Fast will be interested in exploring this topic in a nuanced and thoughtful way, as it would require her to abandon her simplistic and divisive rhetoric.

Spencer Brown
Spencer Brown
Managing Editor. Spencer is a regular guest on Fox News whose byline has also appeared in USA Today and other outlets. He is a Foundation for Defense of Democracies media fellow (2023) and an alumnus of the National Journalism Center.

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