Michael Cohen: The Most Compromised Witness in Legal History, According to Jonathan Turley


Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley says he cannot understand how any honest judge would allow the case to go to a jury on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. I’m so confused how these people don’t see that they’re in a cult. It is not normal to be this beholden to someone especially since u don’t even know this guy. The dude is a rapist, a fraudster and all sound criminal. How do u see that and still think blind loyalty is anything but cultish?

  2. Jonathan Turley: Donald Trump is the most compromised witness in history of the legal system.

    That's what the title should have said.

    "He will only tell the truth if he has no alternative." Yes, they're talking about Cohen for sure but at least he WILL tell the truth. The guy said it himself while Trump is incapable of being honest about anything period. He can't. It's why nobody wants to hear from him. They automatically know anything out of his mouth is a lie. What is he selling today? Bibles? Shoes? Lies? All the above and more.

  3. It doesnt matter johnathon how compromised of a witness cohen was. it doesnt matter how flawed this trial is. It doesnt matter that the judge is compromised. And it doesnt matter that the doj and the FEC declined to prosecute. What matters is this trial is taking place in a liberal bastion and the jury will find trump guilty no matter how little if any evidence is presented!

  4. How is he compromised when there have multiple people who have corroborated his story in thru trial. U can call him a liar all day but too many people have told the same story at this point.

  5. When was the last time a criminal took The Pope on his or her crime spree? For all you geniuses out there, Michael Cohen isn't the evidence in this case. The evidence includes: Emails, Text messages, bank statements, Checks from Trump's personal account ( not The Trump Organization Payroll Account) , and Trump's own voice on tape. That's the evidence the defense haven't been able to impeach. Cohen and Stormy Daniels are not evidence, they are just witnesses to the crime and all the evidence presented at trial speaks for itself..

  6. Many prosecutions involving organized crime have witnesses who are also criminals. Michael Cohen is merely another such witness. (Not "the most compromised", as the Turley suggests.)

  7. The most obvious thing would be to put Michael cohens lawyer on the stand but they won’t .. this make no sense to me .
    It’s like everything on tv and on YouTube is scripted

  8. Cohen taped Trump so he could assure Pecker that he was doing everything he could to make Don the con pay up the money he owed pecker.
    He stiffed pecker $150k for the Karen Dougle hush money.
    Good ole “Honest Don” 😂

  9. All these pro-Trump lawyers call Cohen a liar who can't be trusted. But so far, the only thing Cohen has said that they
    ALL say is PROBABLY untrue is his explanation why he secretly recorded his call with Trump about Karen McDougal.
    Which is not important to this case.

    Notice Turley (and the other pro-Trump lawyers) have NOT addressed the critical issue in this case—why would Trump
    pay Cohen $420,000 when he only owed him $240,000 ($180,000 reimbursement + $60,000 bonus). And why the
    payments to Cohen were spread out over 12 months rather than paid in 1 lump sum. And said to be for Cohen's 2017
    legal work.

    Also, they have NOT addressed why Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg was involved in devising how Cohen would be paid.
    Cohen was seeking compensation for the money he spent and the work he did for Trump, not the Trump Organization.
    There was no reason for Weisselberg to play a role in this.

    Finally, my rebuttal to the common claim that the prosecution has not proven what crime Trump committed is this.
    Trump knew Cohen's payment to Daniels would be considered an illegal donation by the FEC. And if he disclosed it
    to the FEC, it would lead to the discovery of the NDA agreement with Daniels. To avoid this, the monthly payments to
    Cohen were accounted for as work Cohen did in 2017. Cohen's work in 2017 had nothing to do with the 2016 Trump
    campaign and did NOT need to be reported to the FEC. However, this was a lie–Cohen did NO such work in 2017.

    In short, the false bookkeeping was used by Trump to conceal Cohen's illegal donation from the FEC and avoid problems
    with the FEC and DOJ. And, secondarily, to keep the NDA with Daniels a secret.

  10. Doesn't matter what is uncovered in the trial, the judge has already decided the case before it started. Common sense and the rule of law means nothing to these activists who are hellbent on keeping Trump off the ballot.

  11. "Michael Cohen is the most compromised witness in history of the legal system". If I've told you once, I've told you a million times, Jonathon, don't exaggerate.

  12. It seems to me Cohen should go to jail for whatever this court case is about. And the judge should fine a different line of work if he can't see this for what it is.

  13. All these cases against Trump are flat out politically motivated, and it's scary how our justice system is being used as a tool to try and inflict public damage to a presidential candidate,all in a poor attempt to sway voters. All it did is backfire and will put Trump back n office where he should be to get this country back on track to a much better economy. Biden is putting almost everyone in the poor house except him.

  14. 50 billionaire families alone have the political-spending capacity of over 6 million ordinary American families. More than two-thirds, or 69%, of their donations flowed to Republican candidates or causes, including the super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, and Americans for Prosperity Action, a super PAC affiliated with the Koch family that supports conservative candidates. Only 23% went to groups supporting Democrats, and the remainder did not have a clear partisan affiliation.

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