Medical student at UCLA criticizes school for allowing disruptive behavior


UCLA medical student Eliana Jolkovsky reacts as police move in to dismantle the protesters’ encampment and make arrests.

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  1. Where is Gavin Newsom??? Why isn't he standing up for Jewish people? He should have called in the National Guard. Maybe on the "Welcome to California" signs they should add…. "But no Jewish people". By taking so long to take action and shut down these ridiculous protests… it basically shows support for them. Just like the BLM riots that destroyed many many cities.

  2. I am asian, in my country, Yes, you can protest but if you got in jail. bad history, bad back ground, your life your future got ruin. No any company wants you to work with them. **. Today, you may think it's cool to do this protest, but in the next 5 -7 years you will think i shouldn't do this. * Why American fight for other countries but not fight for your own country?? I saw on the news, lots illegal immigrants go into American everyday. Not too long American people may not have your own land or no place to go. I don't understand ??????

  3. An Asian-American/Jewish Zionist. Now I have heard everything. Either you are American, or you are not American. no special relationships or dualism. America first, last and forever. All these people need to take their war back across the pond.

  4. That what happens when these institutions are run and infiltrated by Bolsheviks. It’s a place where their ideas don’t have to be successful in order for them to keep their jobs.

  5. Great leadership at these universities, 🙄 it is now officially a clown show. The leaders of all these universities need to be held accountable!

  6. There is no excuse for the leaders letting it get to this point who wants to send their kids and pay thst kind of money with no protection for these children they better get new good leadership

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