Lost Without a Script: Harris Struggles to Articulate Her Vision


Democrats believe this woman has the potential to unsettle Donald Trump on a national debate stage, but her recent performance suggests otherwise. The vice president’s team has been shielding her from the media, and for good reason – without a script, she struggles to articulate her thoughts and reveals the flaws that make her a less-than-viable presidential candidate. Her latest attempt to explain the significance of the election and her economic plan was a jumbled mess.

Her words were a convoluted mix of vague promises and economic jargon, including something about leveraging earned income child tax credits and a dubious claim that her plan would somehow pay for itself. She also asserted that her policies would cut child poverty in half, a lofty goal that was not convincingly supported by her explanation. Her repetitive use of the phrase “return on investment” was particularly cringe-worthy.

Despite initial hopes that she would be an improvement, it’s clear that she is not. Her shortcomings are reminiscent of a worn-out vehicle, but with a slightly newer model and a few functioning parts. Republicans and Donald Trump would be wise to shift their focus away from her social awkwardness and instead highlight her policy missteps, her record, and her ties to Joe Biden. It will be interesting to see her repeat this performance in front of a national audience next month.

Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Senior Editor. Previously, Matt worked for CNSNews.com and was the recipient of Americans for Prosperity Foundation's 2013 Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Activism and Investigative Reporting.

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