'Listen to us': Border mayors reveal what they want to see from next president


Mayors in Arizona and Texas said every section of the border has different needs, making it imperative that the next president visit the U.S.-Mexico border.

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  1. Close our Borders! They come here to take our money when the homeless and elderly need that money. We are generous people but we must take care our American Citizens first and foremost. Build that wall. Of course Obdor wants us to take them. They want us to believe they are poor. Yes they people are, but he is a wealthy man taking their money. No incentives given to college, stay in school programs for them to receive. Money gotten from ill gotten gains. We have lost one too many Americans st the hands of illegal immigrants

  2. Mayors…how but more specifics. Judges? More officers? More cameras. All these and more were addressed by the border bill that trump told the repubs to vote against. 😒

  3. Creat the jobs build out posts every 20 miles along the bored hire the BP to man them hire more migration intake workers to speed the process of citizenship up but please be very rigorous in the background checks we need them properly vetted

  4. Seeing you yank-loving Trump supporters will believe anything that a proven liar like Trump tells you! I will try you out. If you send me all your money I promise that in a few
    years I will double it and I will ( really, really, really)send it back to you with the profit! How does that sound to you? go on if you believe Trump so you must believe me!

  5. It always comes to President Biden. Biden was God ' chosen vessel for such a time as this. How do you think that Biden made it 4 years if he makes it to the end of his term. Biden didn't even know where he was half of the time. Couldn't find his way from a platform after making a blundering speech. He fell at the Navy Graduation 😒 po fella. Biden didn't open the border, God opened up the border and built a bridge. God could have stop the Afghanistan tragedy, but in infinite wisdom, God chose not to. Trump the first thing from out of his mouth was if I was in the Oval Office. He never stopped to think maybe this is why I'm not in the Oval Office. The same thing about the Middle East. God' Sovereign Providence will come to pass because its pro-video has already been spoken. God may be late, but never denied. Time doesn't mean anything to God, God isn't suspended in time like wicked man. 😒 Repent America, Repent. Esther Tyrus is looking up top Kari Lake after V. P. Harris let her vent she's waited this long. πŸ˜… Every woman whose someone wants a shoot at Kamala. Hummm, Esther Tyrus wanders why. 😊 πŸ•Š

  6. 93% of Congress are useless. Dems and RINOs tag teamed & fought tooth & nail against President Trump to complete building the border wall. Biden used his executive power to undo policies already in place, dismantle, sell sections of the wall off & flood the gates! Surely there is a sinister plot by the powers that be to end our beautiful America.

  7. Humpty tRUMPy said he would build a wall! Humpty tRUMPy didn't mean that at all! Humpty tRUMPy ment this, that, and the………….other thing! And a few BUTTs here and over there, too! Whatever keeps Humpty tRUMPy from TAKING the fall!

  8. Heard the latest MAGA? That fantastic actor for the ages, Kevin Sorbo ( who? Exactly) thinks Kamala Harris should say the N word so her race can be evaluated.
    What a winning strategy.
    Mind you, he'd do better than Thinskin's VP in drag, Shay D Vance.πŸ˜…

  9. Hr2
    Mind you Harris was specifically in charge of these issues….
    Border bill
    118 Billion β€œnational security bill”
    Increase ice capacity from 34000-50000
    Allow closing border when crossings are at 5000/day
    Stricter asylum requirements (background)
    Fast track asylum hearing from years to months
    Hire only a few hundred of border patrol agents
    Increase a few flights to deport

    Recap : so called border bill spends $118 BILLION DOLLARS of our taxes to other countries to the tune of $90 Billion bucks

    Long story short that SPECIFIC border bill is ridiculous-
    A β€œBorder bill” should be for …. Wait for it – our border and illegal immigration.

    just remind those in the back of the class…. 2016 trumps famous idea β€œbuild the wall” (that he was called racist for, for years ) would have stopped 12,15,20 MILLION people ILLEGALLY coming in costing US taxpayers 500 BILLION DOLLARS already
    Dems- please do research and stop listening to the complicit FAUXMENTUM obamabidenharris media…

  10. Do you really want to vote for a convict? Do you really want to vote for a rapist?

    Do you really want to vote for a traitor who tried to overthrow american democracy?

    You cannot vote for Trump and claim you are a patriot.

    Throw Trump out and start electing leaders who's isn't some 80 year old crazy guy!

  11. Once Trump is no longer around. Hopefully the bipartisan border bill will be passed. Trump did not want the bill to pass he said he wanted to run on chaos. You can give a s*** less about Americans it's all about his little fragile ego and staying out of jail

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