Lincoln’s Warning: The Importance of Peaceful Politics in the Face of Violence


In his famous July 4, 1861, address to Congress, President Abraham Lincoln emphasized that Americans had two alternatives for resolving political disagreements: the ballots of peaceful discourse or the bullets of violent coercion. The Civil War that ensued threatened to undermine this peaceful path, plunging the nation into destructive conflict.

As Lincoln reminded us, “Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors to bullets… Such will be a great lesson of peace.” Fast-forward to Saturday, when former President Donald Trump was shot at and wounded during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, highlighting the importance of prioritizing peaceful politics.

Regardless of political affiliation, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the attempted murder was an affront to our national principles and values. Lincoln’s warning about the perils of violence holds true, as it undermines our commitment to human equality and dignity.

As Christians, we’re called to pray for our leaders, as Scripture instructs us to “make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). This responsibility applies not only to sitting officials but also to those seeking public office. In the same vein, we’re instructed to “pray for those in authority over us” (1 Timothy 2:2).

Unfortunately, human nature has consistently sought to supplant God with human authority, often through violence. The shooting attempt displays a desire for god-like control, dismissing the inherent value and dignity of human life. This sin dates back to the Fall in the Garden of Eden, as humans have sought to replace God’s authority.

Furthermore, this shooting illustrates a deeper desire for control not just over individuals but also over an entire nation, negating the peaceful and democratic process. Rather than respecting the outcome of free and fair elections, the perpetrators wish to usurp the power to determine who should hold office. By doing so, they reject God’s sovereignty and attempt to usurp His authority.

Let us pray for President Trump’s recovery from any injuries and that this horrific event does not lead others to commit similar atrocities. Let us choose the peaceful path of ballots, not bullets, and remember that God remains sovereign and in control, bringing His purposes to fruition despite the chaos and suffering we face.

Adam Carrington
Adam Carrington
Contributor. Adam M. Carrington is an associate professor of politics at Hillsdale College, where he holds the William and Patricia LaMothe Chair in the U.S. Constitution. His book on the jurisprudence of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Field was published by Lexington Books in 2017.

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