Leo Terrell shreds progressive officials over crime: 'We need a complete overhaul'


Fox News contributor Leo Terrell reacts to the trial beginning in the grisly killing of a UCLA student on ‘America Reports.’

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  1. Fox News politics isn't working for America, Republicans politics claim that crime rate in America is out of control. Fox News and the Republicans blames the Democrats, but Americans live in a police state. America police officers everywhere Americans there police officers. That said what are the police officers during about the America crime problem very little according to Fox News and the Republicans.

  2. We don't care what y'all need the power is in my Pam I'll never stop fighting back the international community needs a complete due process like what a democracy doe or give me my compensation this was an experiment poisoned with chemical stabbed public humiliation framed diplomatic experiment against me 💪🏾✖️🌎🐎🍝🧪🍵✔️ 16 billion I'll be compensated no matter what

  3. Trump is the instigator of people setting themselves on fire at his criminal hearings, a 20 year old taking his life at the hands of a secret service sniper, Charlottesville, and J6. Donald Trouble is the trigger point of madness and needs to be held accountable for it.

  4. Elon Musk X is out of control spreading right wing lies overseas also and the Supreme Court in Brazil have suspended all Twitter operations there- shut it down.
    Elon a billionaire that like Trump thinks he is above the law violated the High Court orders to shut down specific accounts.
    Elon permits folks to lie on Twitter these days as Teitters new key feature-
    , unless of course you talk about Elon , then like Trump thin skinned Elon has been known to shut users down.

  5. This story has nothing to do with progressive crime policy. Blame republicans for denying universal healthcare. This guy is clearly insane and in any other developed country would have received treatment before something horrific like this happened. Healthcare saves lives in more ways than one. Vote Blue!!

  6. Fox is a paid political propaganda arm on behalf of Putin and the out of control billionaires wrecking the economy, while creating all the debt and undermining American democracy. They have even bought off Republican Supreme Court Justices sitting on the bench !

  7. How horrible! What almost as horrible is the employer that had an employee working alone. They should be held liable as well, not that any money would ever bring this poor girl back.😢

  8. Why isn’t Fox reporting on the brawl at Trump’s recent rally? Trump’s response to a man attempting to attack certain media members were quite familiar. “He’s on our side”. This was a direct reflection of what occurred in Charlottesville and on J6. Another term of this administration would be dangerous for the United States. Trump’s blueprint is defined and documented, it is up to voters to decide if they want to live in a chaotic world – Part II, I might add.

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