Home Politics Lawyer Unveils the ‘True Threat’ in Trump’s New York Civil Fraud Case

Lawyer Unveils the ‘True Threat’ in Trump’s New York Civil Fraud Case



Constitutional attorney Mark Smith spotlights the potentially controversial ‘jury instructions’ given in Trump’s New York civil fraud case.


  1. The Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/Socialists are all just so giddy hoping and preying that Trump is convicted, but this is just like their De-Fund the Police will bite them in the butt if he is convicted. The Statute of Limitations has long passed on this case, the DOJ wouldn't touch it and neither would the NY State AG. If Trump is convicted this will set a precedent, even if the Statute has run out anyone can be brought to trial for a crime months or even years after the crime. The defendant can be Gagged and prevented from defending him/herself in the media. A Trial can be brought even without Naming the Actual Crime. Even with the end of the questioning of their Star Witness the City has yet to name the actual law that was broken. Each and every law in this Country/State/City is numbered and is usually cited in the Arrest Warrant or at least at the Trial, I might have missed it but I do not remember hearing the actual law that was broken. If Trump is convicted the Republicans have every right to go after each and every Democrat for any or no reason and drag them through a trial costing them thousands if not millions of dollars in legal fees and they will use this case as a precedent.

  2. USA history in a nutshell (1) Washington……..I cannot tell a LIE (2) Trump…………….I cannot tell the TRUTH

    Truth matters. In the end it is the bedrock of a free country. Lies have consequences. Chaos ensues. And sometimes heavy financial penalties…Cohen lied for Trump because he was knee deep in the cult of Trump

  3. If anyone could get in trouble for the checks, is the people who wrote the checks! All of the checks were different and with different signatures and these checks were from business Men probably doing Business w Donald Trump. I doubt Donald Trump wanted to handle them because he didn't know what to expect that is why he paid Cohen to handle the checks. Not D.T.'s fault that the checks were not cashed. There had been these type of scams going on for a long time so it did not interfere with his election in 2016 or his Presidency @ these checks were not handled by him because of his Presidency so that is Smart on his Part!

  4. I'm not worried. There are two attorney's in the jury. Even if they don't like Trump at least one of them will insist on clarification of instructions if instructions are too broad. Even MSNBC and CNN no longer believe guilt has been determined. That's huge.

  5. It doesn’t matter if the defense destroyed Cohen. The jury was already told how to find Trump. They will find him guilty because the jury was handpicked by democrat politicians.

  6. His defense didn’t do any real damage besides showing that they’re not very good at defense for their criminal of a client. He’s the reason this country is in trouble especially if he gets re-elected

  7. We dont know the charges maga cried. violations of federal campaign finance law under the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA); violations of New York Election Law § 17-152; violations of federal, local, and state tax law; and additional falsifications of business records outside the Trump Organization

  8. What law did trump break you ask?

    violations of federal campaign finance law under the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA); violations of New York Election Law § 17-152; violations of federal, local, and state tax law; and additional falsifications of business records outside the Trump Organization

  9. Fun fact; if you think a man took a loan out, lied about loan txes with no chance of reimbursement..well, i have a yellow 2030 ford pinto to sell you…👈😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣

  10. For all those asking "what crime"? It's 34 counts of falsifying business records when repaying Michael Cohen for the hush money he paid to Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2020 election hiding it from the voters breaking New York state election law 17 – 152 thus making them all felonies. Because it was one crime to hide another. Otherwise they would all be misdemeanors.


  12. Menendez is guilty con liar and should be removed from The UNITED STATES Senate and never be allowed to become a Congress member in the house and never ever to run for a senator agin he represents one uts know as GREEDY!

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