KJP pressed on why Biden is 'harder on Netanyahu' than Hamas


Fox News senior White House correspondent Peter Doocy asks the press secretary about Vice President Kamala Harris’ apparent southern accent and why Biden appears to be harder on Netanyahu than the leader of Hamas.

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  1. This really happened it shows the cheapness and fake news of the Kamala administration.. Don't you think we Southerners will know when you're a fake? Do you not know that we produced the majority of Presidents, neurosurgeons and inventors in the United States.. Hell,even Elon musk is becoming an adopted Southern gentleman here in the United States.. We love it when he wears his boots and hat, he shows his pride to the section of the Country that he loves the most! The south in the west is always had a way of loving its people closely.. That's something you can't fake or replicate. Get that through your head Kamala.. That goes for European americans, african-americans, asian-americans, indigenous etc.. Once you're raised in the south you have a difference about you in the way you treat people..♥️ This is not Jim Crow and this is the not the 1930s we are all unified now, but we still hold on to our principals and our love for proper etiquette..

  2. Ask why no Arab country wants them. Watch Screams before Silence thát is why they won't take them. Not only did they commit, and continuously commit war crimes. According to Saudi Arabia they broke holy Islamic laws. We all know that hostages are kept in the homes of Palestinians that makes them complicit.

  3. If you look at the interviews that are referred to of Kamala addressing unions, it’s very clear she did speak differently. Notice how the question is absolutely shut down immediately and the topic of conversation is aggressively shifted away. You will see zero left oriented news networks showing any of this on their platforms

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