Kevin O’Leary urges politicians to prioritize policy over “porn star wars”


O’Leary Ventures chairman Kevin O’Leary joins ‘Fox & Friends’ to explain the significance of the increase in the consumer price index in April and Biden’s messaging on inflation.

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  1. Can someone help me understand how biden can be too incompetent to stand trial but is competent enough to not only run the country(into the ground) but be capable enough for 4 more yrs????(of running the country into the ground)

  2. Everybody knew from the start the “Inflation Reduction Act” was not going to reduce inflation, as usual politicians name their policies just the opposite of what they will do. We knew it would cause more inflation. Vote them all out.

  3. What's Trump and the GOP's plan for inflation? Are they keeping it a secret? 45+ years of paying attention to politics makes me extremely doubtful that the GOP knows ANYTHING about how to help working people because they've never done a thing to make most people's lives easier.

  4. Democrats just showed their cards. They have something going on with Donald Trump in June and in September Because you know they don't want. Joe Biden to really debate Donald Trump. So something's gonna happen with Donald Trump in June and in September. wait an watch It's truly sad when you can point out. Things that are gonna happen in politics before they even happen. So donald trump's gonna be in court like crazy in june and in September or something else is gonna happen.

  5. Trumps new problem involves reports that he told big oil if they gave him a billion dollars they could write their own policies.
    Congressional investigation coming soon .

  6. Rfk needs to be part of those 2 debates I'd bet anything they don't allow him to take part because they know would clearly be the most sensible. Most people haven't heard where Rfk stand or his plan to fix things when it's a much better plan than these 2 that are so wrapped up I this battle of ego's

  7. This is not illegal. I can pay people to have s__ with me tell them to cover it up. Not illegal. Just a card trick by the democrats to take trump out of the election. I don’t see any Republican judges. Only biased democratic judges.

  8. Fox News IS insane. They do these stories like things are normal or usual relative to years ago. Biden has been labled as an old man with a poor memory so where do you go now?

  9. JOB GROWTH: If you are 60 years old, 69.1% of all JOB growth since you were born occurred under Democrat administrations.
    If you're 45, that number is 74.7%.
    If you're under 30, the number is 100%.
    Source: US economic performance by presidential party – Wikipedia

    In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats… But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[5]

    Reality: job creation 2.4 times faster under Democrats
    •Real (inflation adjusted) GDP growth averages 3.9% under Democrats vs 2.4% under Republicans, a 1.5% difference
    •Stock market (S&P 500) return about 11% under Democrats vs 7% under Republicans
    •On average, the unemployment rate improves 0.8% Democrats vs worsening 1.1% under Republicans (except Reagan/Carter)
    •Budget deficits lower under Democrats avg. 1.6% GDP vs 3.5% GDP Republicans
    •Budget deficits drop under Democrats by avg. 2.5% GDP vs rising by 3.7% GDP under Republicans. A falling deficit typically represents improving the economy as spending slows and tax revenues rise.
    •10 of the last 11 recessions started under Republicans

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