Kevin McCarthy: This is Dems' 'Watergate moment'


Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy asks why Americans haven’t been put ‘first’ amid concerns over President Biden on ‘One Nation.’

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  1. Is anyone surprised to find out trump has been sued for grabbing women between the legs! Former Trump Staffer Shares Texts Revealing Secret Payoffs

    A new court filing alleges that Donald Trump’s campaign has paid to bury a number of lawsuits over sexual harassment and discrimination.

  2. I just don't understand anybody who would be happy to vote for a party that would just so brazenly lie, conceal and gaslight it's voters. The level of shock coming from democrat voters, as if that debate was the first time they saw any inclination of a problem, just blows my mind.

  3. Yea… McCarthy is such a "savvy" politician, he's the shortest serving Speaker in US history…
    Not to mention, he had one of the most neglected, and least served districts in America, during his Congressional term…
    Brian Kilmeade is such a weak, and uneducated clown, and is a shamelessly dishonest partisan simp.

  4. If you're looking for something to mourn, mourn the fact we no longer debate political issues of domestic or foreign policy, the economy or human rights. We merely debate political Parties as they bad mouth each other and play their dirty tricks, propagandize the American public and outbid each other on reckless government spending that is on the brink of collapsing our economy. Shame on them. But more than that, shame on all of us because we've enabled them with our votes and confirmed their righteousness with repeated reelections.
    We have allowed Washington too much latitude and these abuses were all too predictable. Shame on us. We must do better. We must do things differently.
    Our future will be brighter if we return to acting a bit more like our forefathers from times long past. Sort of a back to the future deal.

  5. Let's define Watergate, Biden pushing a globalist agenda to dictate and end democracy VS Trump the only credible leader standing in the way of dictatorship. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Joe Biden is a démocrat. Hé Will Always leave power but only when God says so 😂😂😂😂 Trump is a dictator hé will never leave power😂😂 t😂😂 the démocrats created this message and they are ones to clean it. Time IS not on their side TRUMP 2024🎉🎉🎉

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