Kamala Harris’s Shameful Record on Immigration: A Threat to National Security


Vice President Kamala Harris has been evasive about her stance on key policy issues, particularly when it comes to immigration. Despite her campaign’s efforts to present her as a strong leader, Harris’s record on immigration is marred by a disturbing pattern of leniency towards illegal immigrants, including violent offenders.

As San Francisco’s District Attorney, Harris continued the city’s sanctuary policy, refusing to cooperate with federal immigration officials on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. In 2004, Harris’s office failed to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant who had been convicted of attempted robbery and served six months in prison. Ramos went on to commit a double homicide just three months after Harris’s office released him without notifying ICE.

Harris’s record on immigration only grew more radical as she rose through the ranks. As California’s Attorney General, she issued a bulletin instructing law enforcement agencies to separate “criminal justice policy” from “national immigration policy.” This move effectively allowed undocumented immigrants to avoid deportation, even if they had committed serious crimes.

Harris’s stance on immigration was further revealed in her role as a senator, where she sought to cut funding for Border Patrol detention centers and defund ICE’s internal deportation efforts. Her efforts to undermine immigration enforcement were consistent with her earlier actions as District Attorney and Attorney General.

Despite her campaign’s claims that she will “hire thousands more border agents” if elected, Harris’s record suggests that she has no intention of enforcing immigration laws or protecting the nation’s sovereignty. Her policies would likely exacerbate the border crisis, allowing more undocumented immigrants to enter the country and potentially putting public safety at risk.

Border Patrol agents have expressed alarm at the prospect of a Harris presidency, warning that the border will “never close” if she is elected. Given her record, it’s hard to disagree with their assessment. Harris’s immigration policies would be a disaster for the country, and her evasiveness on the issue only serves to underscore her lack of commitment to enforcing the law.

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