Juror from Hunter Biden Trial Speaks Out After Guilty Verdict: ‘Politics Had No Influence’


Fox News’ Jake Gibson speaks with juror #10 about the Hunter Biden trial and conviction.

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  1. 🤔Republicans said the jury was rigged, and the verdict was bought and paid for by Globalist Rothschilds. Also, this is obviously a racist law, 25years in prison, designed after CONTRA flooded streets with drugs, and then Republicans deliberately over policed "inner city liberals". Now we have the largest prison population on earth. Where did BLM get property or inheritance after the civil war? They were property, because NO RON…….slavery was NOT a "jobs program".

  2. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. -2nd amendment. Was Hunter charged and convicted of drug addiction concurrently or prior to this case? No. Who defines whether an addiction is active or in recovery? Shouldn’t factors like this matter or should people who once had a drug addiction be banned from the right to own a firearm for life?

  3. Judgement Jeannine sitting in judgement when her convicted felon husband who went to prison got a pardon from the convicted felon former Resident. She needs to go open another case of boxwine and sit this one out.

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