Judge Jeanine: Letโ€™s be clear about what the Green New Deal really is


Judge Jeanine Pirro reacts to Vice President Kamala Harris’ claims during her first interview with the media since President Biden dropped out of the race on โ€˜Hannity.โ€™

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  1. Kamala/Walz 2024๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
    Class, humanity and intelligence. Fox can lie to it's maga base all they want we watched the interview and clearly understand what she stands for. Trump IS THE NIGHTMARE and we will not let him get anywhere near the White house.

  2. HAHA – MAGA and the cult leader are furious because they were hoping Kamala would slip up or make a mistake. Instead, she was confident and articulate, and now theyโ€™re scrambling to find something to criticize. Their frustration is obviousโ€”they wanted a different outcome, but she handled it perfectly.

  3. Trump is terrified of Harris and he is in full collapse. Pushing around cemetery staff. Crying on his social media. Can't keep his rally safe so he can't keep my country safe. He should drop out like Biden did. Too old and hung up on weird stuff. Drop out and spare yourself another loss. He only won once 8 years ago and it just ain't happening again. Not after Jan 6th and fake electors. Felon gotta go home !!!

  4. ๐Ÿซtoe Harris has Values?


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