Jon Stewart Refers to Biden as ‘Elderly’


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  1. I must reiterate for the trumpito supporters. Democrats have won 41 out of 43 special elections since the invisible red wave. But, the polls said,… 👈🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣

  2. Let's talk sexual harassment I worked at little Caesars…I told the girl I see your wearing pants…little Caesars says you must wear the proper uniform…yet the manager accused for being out of line

  3. Is she seriously claiming no one treated Romney like a threat back in 2012? Does she actually think anyone has forgotten Biden’s insulting line about how Romney would put black Americans “back in chains”? Trump is not an anomaly as far as the Dems are concerned—they do their best to make any Republican, from the most outlandish to the most milquetoast, look like the greatest threat that ever existed.

  4. Another loss Tuesday night of failure in Indiana. Trumpito 78.3%, Haley 21.3% rejection. That's called " underperforming." Desperate! 👈🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣

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