Joe Biden greets 110,000 H-1B visa holders to fill 2024 college graduate jobs


President Joe Biden is allowing a large number of white-collar migrants to enter the nation’s airports, taking jobs that would otherwise go to U.S. graduates. The Department of Homeland Security recently approved requests to bring in around 110,000 H-1B workers for various industries, a move supported by agency head Alejandro Mayorkas.

Many of these visa programs have been subject to fraud, with half of the H-1B visa applications in 2024 being deemed fraudulent. This influx of foreign workers is displacing American graduates from white-collar jobs, impacting their careers, homes, and families.

The influx of white-collar migrants is in addition to the ongoing illegal southern border crossings and legal immigration arrivals every year. These policies are supported by the Department of State, which encourages foreign graduates to enroll in U.S. colleges for job opportunities.

The influx of foreign contract workers is detrimental to American professionals, hindering innovation and productivity. This policy not only affects the job market but also impacts wages and undermines the prospects of American professionals.

Overall, the current administration’s migration policies are leading to underemployment among U.S. graduates, particularly in the technology sector. This, coupled with inflation, is creating challenges for native-born Americans in securing well-paying jobs and career opportunities. The policies also contribute to a range of economic and societal issues, including decreased productivity, reduced innovation, and the erosion of civic solidarity.

Neil Munro
Neil Munro
I cover the many consequences of the nation's cheap-labor economic policy (AKA immigration) on Americans and America. Basically, the stuff that progressives won't do.

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