Jesse Watters: Democrats are about to wake up to a vicious hangover on Kamala Harris


Fox News host Jesse Watters explains how Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie break on the $2 trillion spending bill impacted the economy on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. There WILL be a debate on September 10th on ABC, as agreed to, and VP Harris will be there, either with two candidates, or herself with an empty podium and the attention of all of America to herself. TRump has NO say, or leverage, or authority, or anything, to be making calls about changing the Sep date. TRump LOST the 2020 election to the Biden/ Harris ticket, she, the VP, therefore, makes the calls, and she decided she will at the Sep 10 date at ABC. Discussion by the Harris Campaign regarding any other debate date will ONLY occur when the Sep 10 debate has been conducted and concluded. TRump is delusional.

  2. Fox News viewers are all scared little be eye tee see h's . Ya'll let Donald say anything and you go and repeat it like its law,. Dumbest demongraphic ever I swear! Get a brain, seek truth and think for yourselves.

  3. kookoo kamala has been krashing Am. for almost 4 yrs.We all feel it while she laughs all the way to the bank.She is even dumber than bidumb! Trumph to save our economy and America!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. Cabala-was always the decision maker and enacting the policies to the current state the US is in, confront her on the border , on the economy on the wars on all the other disastrous policies…she should be held responsible….

  5. Good God, has this person ever given a coherent answer to ANY question? This is truly frightening. This is managed incompetence ratcheted up to an incredible degree. As VP she cast the deciding Senate vote( open directions to do so, undoubtedly) on two of the most crippling spending bills in America's history. This individual must never be allowed NEAR the oval office

  6. “Too much masculine toxicity out there!” So sayeth the guy who wifed up a gal that’s been ran through by more dudes than the Holland Tunnel on marathon day.

    Yeah thanks for your input dude, but no thanks.

  7. Stock Market Has nothing due to with Kamala has everything to do with the Japanese Stock Market
    Hey MAGA BOY Jesse pick up an Economics textbook and study the connectivity of Asian & US markets that have zero to with Harris or Trump
    Finally for the record the S&P 500 has performed better historically under Democratic Presidents Than Republican Presidents

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