Jeffries Meets with Biden, Requests to Discuss Concerns from House Democrats


House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) held a private meeting with President Joe Biden on Thursday, following a tumultuous day for the president’s re-election hopes. In a brief letter to his caucus on Friday, Jeffries revealed that he had requested the meeting to discuss the concerns of House Democrats regarding Biden’s continued candidacy.

As the meeting took place, more House Democrats publicly called for Biden to step down, with at least 17 members having made the request by Friday morning. Jeffries’ letter offered little insight into the meeting, simply stating that he conveyed the “full breadth of insight, heartfelt perspectives, and conclusions about the path forward” shared by the caucus.

The meeting came on the heels of a disastrous press conference for Biden, in which he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump” and made other notable gaffes. The president’s Thursday night press conference was his first in eight months, and it did little to assuage the concerns of his fellow Democrats.

Jeffries did not indicate whether he would lead his caucus in supporting Biden’s continued candidacy, leaving the direction of the party unclear. Despite Biden’s insistence that he maintains support, many Democrats have publicly expressed concerns about his ability to continue as the party’s standard-bearer.

The House Democratic Caucus is expected to continue discussing Biden’s future over the weekend, particularly as members face voters in their districts. In his letter, Jeffries described the caucus’s discussions as “thoughtful and extensive” and “candid, clear-eyed, and comprehensive.” However, the party’s deliberations will ultimately need to be translated into a clear decision about Biden’s role in the party’s future.

Bradley Jaye
Bradley Jaye
Political reporter.

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