Is Rikers Ready? Eric Adams Grilled on Trump’s Possible Imprisonment


Outnumbered’ panelists discuss Trump’s New York criminal trial and the possibility of jail time as Stormy Daniels takes the witness stand.

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  1. مستشاران نظامی ایران در سوریه، یمن، لبنان به دستور رهبر جمهوری اسلامی ایران  گروه‌های تروریستی یمنی لبنانی سوری را علیه اسرائیل تحریک می‌کنند.

    رئیس جمهور ایران در سازمان ملل به روشنی گفته اسرائیل رو به افول است و روی این اسب بازنده شرط‌بندی نکنید .

    اگر اسرائیل سرداران نظامی ایران در سوریه را از بین ببرد ایران دست به انتقام خواهد زد ؟ به احتمال ۹۰ درصد بله

    فراموش کردند 7 October  یک اشتباه بزرگ است امروز ۷ اکتبر است

    مجلس جمهوری اسلامی ایران بعد کشتارها در اسرائیل در ۷ اکتبر  شروع به خوشحالی و جشن گرفتند و فرماندهان سپاه گفتند نابودی اسرائیل در آینده به وقوع خواهد پیوست

    جمهوری اسلامی ایران یک جنگ ترکیبی در سراسر جهان علیه اسرائیل آغاز کرده ، جمهوری اسلامی ایران قصد بدنام کردن اسرائیل را دارد.

    تمام رفتارهای جمهوری اسلامی ایران نشان می‌دهد که دنبال حکمرانی و قلدری در جهانی هست که خود متصور آن است .

    جمهوری اسلامی ایران زیرکانه ، مخفیانه دنبال ساخت سلاح هسته‌ای است تا علیه اسرائیل استفاده کند تا یک قدم به هدف نزدیکتر شود

  2. The lies, the crimes, the sleaze — I have finally had it with Mr.Trump!! I hereby officially announce the transfer of my support from him to President Joseph.R.Blden, effective immediately!

  3. I wonder how many objections the judge is going to sustain to keep the letters that she wrote denying any sexual activities or how she owes Trump hundreds of thousands for her last shakedown attempt

  4. I'm sure Ryker is ready for him.Because you can guarantee these a***** on the far left of whatever left they are.Are gonna put him in jail even if it's just for twenty minutes it doesn't matter there Goal to put him in jail

  5. Wait! N.D.A. Non-Disclosure-Agreement. That means she was paid not to talk. then she spoke and was charged to pay all legal fees and damages incurred by Donald Trump. She was so stupid, she felt she could do it again? i wonder how much this is going to cost ol horse-face this time?

  6. Trump becoming a politician 10 years ago has shown us just how dirty and corrupt our government is. They have proven again and again they don't want him there and they will do anything to maintain their power.

  7. Imagine supporting the persecution of Trump. None of these cases would have happened if he wasn't running again. This is a corrupt government trying to take out their political opponent. The same government that spied on his campaign in 2015-2016 with zero repercussions. This is stuff they do in 3rd world countries! Americans see right through these lies and know the real threat to democracy is the democratic party and establishment Washington!

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