Investigation launched into allegations of financial misconduct by Fani Willis, Georgia lawmakers say


Fulton County Commission Chairman Robb Pitts and the county’s chief financial officer testify before a Georgia Senate committee amid misconduct allegations stemming from Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade.

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  1. With all due respect, there is really no need to keep sliding around the microphone then almost swallow it when you talk. Being a video / audio guy all of the puffs and pops along with the over modulation when you talk it's just driving me nuts. Otherwise great job !

  2. Just because this CFO is working with these guys answering, there is no excuse for this incompetence of not checking line item expenses for grants, trial expense line items, in hand for validity! My goodness! And, if their county supervisors have anything to do with approving these expenses, they should be held a accountable as well and should have demanded line items for county expenses! My opinion.

  3. She uses what she wants. When she wants. A lady here in wva did the same thing. 250000 she is facing 80 yrs. How many DAYs you gonna get lolol. Hold them lips just right. You can do it. She good at her job

  4. Another stupid reaction… how in the world does this CFO know if expenses are valid if she does not have the independent contractor's contract?! When it exceeds the contract, etc. Her job seems very easy.

  5. Where is Fani’s ex employee that reported the misappropriation of funds to Fani? She lost her job as part of Fani’s cover up! She needs to be spoken to! Also the over sight board had no idea what was included in the line items of these funds! There should be an independent audit of these funds and her office’s expenditures. I sincerely hope this hearing is not just part of the coverup.

  6. Outside counsel as a govt provider, should be thru a bid process! Not selected by employees of the county, voted by any committee of the county because many times these can be nepotism, kronism, and/or politically selected. Not a best practice. My opinion.

  7. Yep and what good does it do by monitoring a 'summary' of grant drawdowns or direct grant expenses? As a CFO, one should have the capability of running reports with detail line expenses! Somebody ain't doing their dang job. How stupid! What a waste of time to review summaries. So basically what is being reviewed is just being monitored for the bottom line figures only to see when it gets close to running out and thats it, huh? Ridiculous process to run a business! You should monitor expense lines like a checkbook is done! So dang simple. No excuse for not doing this! Are these folks really that ignorant ? My opinion.

  8. I find this hard to believe, that they are only going after her for this. And they are fine with her lying multiple times while under oath. That's just totally unbelievable. This just shows us more proof of what's good for me but not good for thee. And what about the NY prosecutor in charge of bring charges against Trump when he was asked about how he went about collecting evidence and if any federal funds had been used to gather said evidence. And he claimed the 5th on all questions asks. On the grounds that he may incriminate himself. That case just needs to be throw out of court. Along with any other court cases he was involved in. Or at the very least, that they should all be looked into for misconduct. And be disbarred from practicing law

  9. If Fani found guilty, revoke any state or county contributions from her retirement and not allowed to work any govt job again. And a prison sentence. Hey she keeps her cash stack where she lays her head, correct?

  10. The stupidaxx thing about 3rd party contracted audits is: justification of hired party (seems they will always, always, find something in the entity's processes that need to be changed or suspicion, to justify their existence and to continue getting paid by the entity. 3rd party's revenue is dependent on the entity they are hired to audit. Does that make sense? Any taxpayer funded entity should be audited by the govt and held liable for embezzling directly or indirectly (meaning manipulating the books to receive a bonus based on the budget,holding back payments to improve year end results for financial gain of bonuses or raises, kickbacks, illegal bid processes, hiring family 3rd party contractors, even submitting travel as business for pleasure trips for reimbursement, etc) and not given options to resign as we see happen so much to executives that commit white colllar crimes. Internal audits done by employees of the same entity they are auditing is good practice as long as its done consistently and it retains compliance, as long as they hold others accountable and not allowing them to resign but fire those that have committed crimes.. problem today is….
    We see so many rules in place that if a government employee commits financial crimes, they are to be held accountable, their retirement contributions revoked, and they are not allowed to have any govt job again. However, in this new world of side-tracked accountabilty, those that commit financial crimes seem to be allowed to resign versus firing to save face, not bring these crimes to the public to prevent an audit, and then no one is ever arrested. Rules are written but not followed it seems many times…..

  11. Tired of americas tax dollars being mishandled. There should either be an opt out of taxes and/or can’t vote if you have been unemployed for 6 months or longer. That’ll also help the work force and encourage ppl to work. Or we can just all be “unemployed” if you feel what I mean

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