I was the ‘toughest’ on Russia: Trump


Former President Trump says he was able to effectively handle relations with Russia during a Fox News town hall moderated by Sean Hannity.

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  1. This tough talking American attitude is probably the biggest reason America is falling. Instead of looking for cooperation and fair trading solutions they think they can force their will on other countries and those countries are turning away in droves.Right now visionary leaders from all over the planet are present in the Eastern Economic Forum in Russia looking for ways to improve their countries economies and the lives of their people. America still talking tough. How Sad.

  2. Unlike other people I didn't brush aside the comment "you will never have to vote again". He has already proved his intentions with the coup attempt and January 6th. If America willingly votes for a dictator we deserve everything that's coming to us.

  3. FOX payed $787.500.000 to Dominium Voting Systems for pushing the BIG LIE and Trump just today admitted he LOST the 2020 election . At last the OLD OLD man finally admitted he was telling a BIG LIE for FOUR YEARS that sent the CULT MAGA to attack the Capital.

  4. Obama Let Russia invade and take over Crimia and Russia started to invade Ukraine but Trump was elected and stopped Putin from Invading Ukraine, and then Joe and Kamala encouraged Putin to Invade Ukraine. Stop Russia Vote for the People's President Donald J Trump 2024

  5. Quit letting the orange child rapist, thieving, convicted felon, conman, TRAITOR keep lying with out fact checking him. He was bought n paid for by the dictator, Putin. He idolizes dictator ps bc he wants to be one. They know how to manipulate the orange clown.

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