How Kamala Harris’s Agenda Threatens American Workers


Labor Day, one of the nation’s oldest holidays, was created by an act of Congress in 1894 to honor all workers, not just those affiliated with labor unions. The legislation establishing the holiday emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of labor in American society.

However, Vice President Kamala Harris’s agenda threatens to undermine the very principles of Labor Day. Her support for radical climate policies, such as the Green New Deal, would lead to widespread job losses in the energy sector and beyond. The legislation, which Harris co-sponsored with Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aims to end most fossil fuel extraction and production in the US, driving energy prices up and forcing companies to cut costs, resulting in even more job losses.

Harris’s record on energy policy is concerning, to say the least. As senator, she pledged to end the Senate’s filibuster to pass the Green New Deal, which would have disastrous consequences for American workers. The Biden administration’s regulatory agenda, which Harris supports, has already driven energy prices 30% higher, forcing many power plants out of business and knocking gigawatts of production offline.

Furthermore, Harris’s permitting and construction policies would only exacerbate the problem. Her proposed Climate Equity Act would add new layers of bureaucracy to the permitting process, requiring federal agencies to create lengthy reports assessing the “environmental justice” impact of their decisions. This would lead to higher construction costs and fewer jobs.

Harris’s immigration policies are also a concern. The presence of millions of lawbreaking migrants in the US drives down wages for American workers, costing them tens of billions of dollars in lower pay every year. The Democratic Party platform, which Harris supports, contains the biggest amnesty for illegal immigrants ever, which would only worsen the problem.

The Biden-Harris administration has been a disaster for American workers, and a Harris-Walz administration would only make things worse. To truly celebrate Labor Day, the US needs an administration committed to securing the border, unleashing American energy production, and reforming permitting to allow for infrastructure development and job creation.

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