House Committee Calls for Revocation of Tax-Exempt Status for Pro-Terrorist Groups


The House Ways and Means Committee is calling on the Internal Revenue Service to revoke the tax-exempt status of several organizations accused of promoting antisemitic activities and fueling chaos on college campuses and in cities nationwide.

In a statement, Committee Chairman Smith expressed outrage that American taxpayers are unwittingly subsidizing these groups, which he claims are operating outside of their tax-exempt purpose. “The evidence we’ve uncovered suggests that these organizations are breaking multiple laws, promoting hate and antisemitism, and potentially supporting terrorist organizations overseas,” Smith said. “The Biden-Harris Administration must take swift action to revoke their tax-exempt status, or risk sending a message that this type of behavior is tolerated under our tax code.”

Smith emphasized that tax-exempt status is a privilege, not a right, and that organizations must operate within their stated exempt purposes. He vowed to continue pressuring the Administration to take action against these groups, which he described as the “pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party.”

As part of his efforts, Smith sent a series of letters to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, totaling over 100 pages, calling for the revocation of tax-exempt status for nearly a dozen organizations, including American Muslims for Palestine, Alliance for Global Justice, and Islamic Relief USA. The letters detail alleged lawbreaking by these groups, including vandalism and rioting.

One incident cited in the letters involved a group of pro-Hamas organizations that took over a park in front of Union Station in Washington D.C. in July, vandalizing the property and prompting police to fire tear gas at the rioters.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Catherine Merri "Katie" Pavlich is an American conservative commentator, author, blogger, and podcaster. Previously, Pavlich was a Fox News contributor and an alternate co-host for The Five. She was also a National Review Washington Fellow. Pavlich has appeared on media outlets including Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and Fox Business.

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