Harris’s Honeymoon Period Ends: Walz Pick Exposes Democrats’ Desperation


The Democratic Party’s decision to choose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as Kamala Harris’s running mate has raised eyebrows, with many wondering if the party has made a grave mistake. Even before the announcement, there were whispers that Harris’s honeymoon period was coming to an end, and the selection of Walz, a far-left politician, may have accelerated that timeline. Last night, Associated Press reporter Michelle Price warned that Harris’ stock was about to crash.

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Walz’s ideology has been likened to that of Lenin, and his selection has been seen as a departure from the more moderate approach that many had expected from the party. The choice of Walz over Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who was widely seen as a more sensible pick, has left many scratching their heads.

Harris’s campaign has been marked by a series of poor decisions, and the selection of Walz is just the latest example. The party’s efforts to present the ticket as centrist will likely be met with skepticism, given the extreme views of both Harris and Walz.

The recent stock market meltdown has also highlighted the Democrats’ vulnerability on economic issues, with Harris struggling to articulate a clear vision for the party’s economic policy. The party’s attempts to mock Trump for predicting a stock market crash under the current administration have backfired, with the crash now a reality.

Despite the enthusiasm from the progressive left, the ticket’s extreme views will likely be a liability in the general election. David Axelrod has noted that Harris is currently benefiting from “irrational exuberance,” but that Trump remains ahead in key swing states and the national polling should be viewed with skepticism. Harris has yet to face a major media interview or be aggressively pressed on her record, and it remains to be seen how she will perform under scrutiny.

Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Senior Editor. Previously, Matt worked for CNSNews.com and was the recipient of Americans for Prosperity Foundation's 2013 Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Activism and Investigative Reporting.

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