Government Overreach Threatens Self-Reliant Backyard Farming And Chicken Raising


In 2020, disruptions in the supply chain were unprecedented and led many to focus on self-reliance, such as through backyard farming and raising chickens. However, efforts to maintain self-sustainable lifestyles face threats from increasing government interference. Despite this, families like mine have taken steps to enhance food security by expanding backyard gardens and considering raising chickens.

Recently, concerns about avian flu have surfaced, fueling fears of potential government intrusion into poultry ownership. While the CDC acknowledges a low public health risk, the media continues to sensationalize bird flu, creating unnecessary panic. Furthermore, government initiatives like the People’s Garden Initiative raise suspicions of overreach and drive for control.

The rising cost of eggs and inflation has prompted more interest in backyard chicken farming as a means of ensuring affordable protein sources. This has become essential for some families, including mine, leading us to start our own flock. Yet, ongoing reports of bird flu perpetuate anxiety and threaten our peace of mind.

The continuous focus on bird flu, despite minimal reported cases, raises questions about underlying motives. Linking this scare to climate alarmism and anti-meat agendas suggests a broader agenda at play. The push for chicken registries and vaccines reflects a concerning trend of government control over personal choices and property rights.

As individuals strive for self-reliance and security, it is essential to remain vigilant against fear-mongering tactics and government overreach. By taking control of our food sources and rejecting unwarranted intrusion, we can preserve our freedom and autonomy in the face of manufactured crises.

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
Jessica Marie Baumgartner
Jessica Marie Baumgartner is a homeschooling mother of five, co-op English teacher, and America First reporter for the Right Side Broadcasting Network and Mid Rivers Newsmagazine.

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