Gen. Jack Keane: 'This is a major, major problem'


Ret. Gen. Jack Keane joins ‘Life, Liberty & Levin’ to discuss the Biden administration’s handling of tension in the Middle East.

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  1. On April 18, 2023, as opening statements were about to begin, the judge announced that the parties had reached a settlement. Fox News agreed to pay Dominion $787.5 million and acknowledged the court's earlier ruling that Fox had broadcast false statements about Dominion. The settlement did not require Fox News to apologize. It is the largest known media settlement for defamation in U.S. history.

  2. The US is in deep, deep trouble. A president who is a good person but sadly not in a good place with his mental health and a very possible new president who is a cackling harlot with absolutely no clue. Their Iranian appeasement, economic and border policies have had disastrous effects and yet it seems that American Dem voters are so intent on virtue signalling that they totally don't see the country sinking into the mud very fast. Khamenei, Xi and Putin must surely be wringing their hands in glee!!

  3. Compart newspaper​ Compared to news from many news agencies and nationalities, you will see many things that are not in the mainstream news reports and get hirite news story​ to get written​ invite​

  4. Zionist Israel started as Tennant in Palestinians, and the British and Western powers made them a nation (NOT GOD) . NOW the occupiers can not become owners of all the land, of course. But now zionist Israel is coveting all of Palestinians' lands .. This is WW3 war games.

  5. I'm going to be honest. Nobody in America cares about Israel, only those in office, and the paid and controlled media does. Our government doesn't even take care of home. Why would we the people care about the other side of the world? A bunch of warmongers trying to profit off of the third worlds people suffering.

  6. The Western World needs to step TF up and help and support Gods children from the islamic sickness that is now seeping into Western society and destroying our cultures, traditions, and values

  7. Taking on this conflict, as well as Ukraine, was never viewed by our government as ro what was involved, historic impact on the current conflict, and the depth of a countries conviction to ending their enemy. The fight will not be short and they won't stop attacking once the enemy has been pushed out or been neutralized.
    We keep telling another country how they will war because we gave them money and weapons. That isn't how that works.

  8. America needs Trump. When he becomes a dictator and America becomes like Russia, Nth. Korea, Uganda, China or Cambodia, they will learn just how well off they are now and have been for a very long time and what freedom really means.

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