From Existential Threat to Afterthought: What Happened to Climate Change?


The climate crisis, once a rallying cry for the Democratic Party, has seemingly fallen off the radar. Vice President Kamala Harris, the party’s new standard bearer, mentioned the topic only once in her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, according to The New York Times. This is a far cry from her previous warnings about the dangers of climate change, which she once dubbed an “existential threat to who we are as human beings.”

In 2019, climate change was the go-to issue for Democratic candidates and their allies in the corporate press. CNN even dedicated seven hours to a “climate crisis town hall.” Harris and other candidates warned of the dangers of climate change, with Harris announcing her willingness to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal.

Fast forward to today, and the climate crisis has been all but forgotten. This raises questions about why the issue has been downplayed. One possible explanation is that climate change was never a genuine crisis, but rather an opportunity for Democrats to create a sense of urgency and justify their policy proposals.

Another explanation is that climate change simply doesn’t poll well. According to a national poll, it ranks as the 19th most important topic for voters. Harris’s DNC speech was crafted with polling in mind, and it’s clear that she is prioritizing issues that resonate more with voters.

This raises concerns about Harris’s willingness to prioritize politics over principle. If climate change is truly an existential threat, then it’s imperative that she address it plainly and honestly. Instead, she seems to be hiding behind polling data and avoiding the issue altogether.

The third reason for Harris’s silence on climate change is laughable: the problem has been solved. If the Biden-Harris Administration had truly fixed climate change, then it would be a major accomplishment worthy of celebration. Instead, it’s clear that the issue remains a pressing concern.

Ultimately, Harris’s silence on climate change speaks volumes about her priorities and her willingness to manipulate the issue for political gain. Whether it’s cynicism or naked ambition, the climate issue is being used as a tool for power and money. This election cycle makes it clear that climate change is not the existential threat that Harris once claimed it to be.

Daniel Turner
Daniel Turner
Daniel Turner is the founder and executive director of Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs.

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