Former CNN journalist troubled by hidden Trump supporters: ‘They appeared completely ordinary’


Fox & Friends’ co-hosts mock former CNN reporter Michelle Kosinski for her reaction to having dinner with ‘extremist’ MAGA couples.

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  1. Work for Trump you can get to go to prison for lying on his behalf, you could not get paid like some of his lawyers or thousands of contractors and suppliers that got bumped by him over the years not to mention all his bankruptcies and frauds like Trump University. This channel is a joke

  2. Fifty years ago our family (four of us kids) were preparing to go to college and my parents had just one requirement; we could not attend the University of Pennsylvania. Funny thing was, they were both graduates of the Ivy. Thanks Mom and Dad. 🥸

  3. Why don't you find out how great it would be to work for Donald Trump….
    I mean since you're not taking the word of so many others. Maybe ask
    Rudy Giuliani
    Kenneth Chesebro
    Jeffrey Clark
    Jenna Ellis
    Sidney Powell
    Michael Cohen
    Allen Weisselberg
    Hope Hicks
    Peter Navarro
    Mike Pence maybe??? He might have an idea what its like to work with Trump.
    You could ask those guys that got indicted for hiding documents at Mar-A-Lago
    The guy asked to erase the camera footage at Mar-A-Lago…. I mean there's a lot of people you can ask. You don't have assume it would be great to work for Donald Trump.
    Don't just assume it must be great. Read the news

  4. Hey ! Let's put "America First ", by telling the "Biden administration " to quit lying and STEALING, STEALING, STEALING from the American people and instead choose to SUPPORT OUR law enforcement . 😮 Tell OUR "MEDIA " to quit lying and instead choose to SUPPORT OUR law enforcement . 😮 Tell the "Biden administration " that allowing "CRIMINAL ALIENS " to enter OUR country is Wrong ! 😮 LAW AND ORDER 😮 SEAL OUR BORDER 😮 SECURE USA !

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