Facts vs. Fear: How Democrats Use Alarmist Tactics to Control the Climate Narrative


President Joe Biden’s assertion that extreme heat is the number one weather-related killer in the United States drew criticism from climate experts and scientists, who disputed his claim as exaggerated and lacking in factual evidence.

The reality is that extreme cold temperatures are a far greater threat to human life, both in the United States and globally. In fact, extreme cold events have claimed roughly twice as many lives as extreme heat in the US, with international trends showing an even more stark difference, with extreme cold accounting for nine times as many deaths as extreme heat.

Moreover, data from multiple sources reveals that the frequency and intensity of hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes have remained stable or declined over the past century, contrary to Democrats’ frequent claims of catastrophic and unprecedented environmental disasters.

When climate expert Dr. Roger Pielke testified before Congress in 2015, he cited scientific evidence that countered the exaggerated claims of climate activists. His expertise and facts, however, were dismissed and ignored by the Democrat-led hearing, highlighting the partisan bias against those who dare challenge the accepted narrative on climate change.

Far from being isolated incidents, this pattern of misleading and inaccurate statements is a hallmark of the Democratic Party’s climate agenda, a tactic aimed at frightening Americans into surrendering their freedom to unelected bureaucrats. Al Gore’s failed predictions of polar ice cap melting by 2014 and glaciers disappearing in Glacier National Park by 2020 are but two notable examples of this phenomenon.

Even Paul Ehrlich, a renowned Stanford University professor, made similar exaggerated claims of environmental disaster in the 1960s, which were predictably wrong.

In light of this repeated pattern of inaccuracies, it remains a puzzle why so many voters remain convinced by Democrat climate claims, even as their track record of veracity is starkly obvious. Perhaps it is simply a result of ignorance, a lack of education, or exposure to false narratives that have taken root among the youngest and most impressionable populations.

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