Ex-Congressional Candidate Charged with Laundering Corporate Funds for Campaign


Federal prosecutors have unveiled charges against a former congressional hopeful and her romantic partner, alleging they laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars in corporate funds to bankroll her 2022 campaign. Michelle Bond, a finance executive and one-time U.S. House candidate, is set to appear in court Thursday to face the allegations.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, Bond and her co-defendant, identified only as “CC-1,” hatched a scheme to funnel corporate money into her campaign coffers. The pair allegedly crafted a consulting agreement that paid Bond $400,000, which was then used to cover campaign expenses, loans, and contributions.

Prosecutors claim that Bond’s partner wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to her, which she then used to fund her campaign. To conceal their actions, Bond allegedly made false statements to a congressional committee and the Federal Elections Commission.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams condemned the alleged misconduct, saying it “undermines public trust in American elections and representative government.” Williams pledged to hold candidates and elected officials accountable for any wrongdoing.

The charges against Bond include conspiracy to cause unlawful campaign contributions, causing and accepting excessive campaign contributions, causing and receiving an unlawful corporate contribution, and causing and receiving a conduit contribution. If convicted on all counts, Bond faces up to 20 years in prison.

The case against Bond is the latest in a series of efforts to crack down on campaign finance abuse. The allegations against her have sparked renewed calls for greater transparency and accountability in election financing.

Ibrahim Garza
Ibrahim Garza

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