‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’: Official Calls for Immediate Action on Border Crisis


National Border Patrol Council VP Art Del Cueto joins ‘Cavuto Live’ to examine the ongoing border crisis.

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  1. Too much for any country to accept open borders, which is very dangerous to A country and citizens, a president are to serve and protect citizens and country only U S citizens have to try and protect themselves and family, president Biden mind is absolutely BAD, BAD, BAD

  2. There are so many states that the Democrats have I guess paid off enough to have them follow the Democrats Hook line & sinker and so there are Mayors and governors and City officials of those states and cities that won't cooperate with a trump administration and a trump led law enforcement push to get law & order restored everywhere and so we have the Democrats basically not wanting regular law and order because they want the criminals and the illegal aliens and all those people to vote Democrat they're trying their best to get every single group that they can that will turn Democrat by letting them get by with their b s!!!!

  3. we are Going to have a Lebanon or Balkan like Situation in the Near future in America, because our Government is unwilling to protect our borders, therefore expect massive chaos in near future.
    But Good news is we have our second Amendment and many of our guys are Militarily trained, so do not worry, but expect situation to get extremely worse in America before it gets better.

  4. Yeah, President Biden sort of a long time ago signed the papers agreement that shut down the border. He’s the cause of all this mess who votes for him deserves everything he gives him Trump Trump. Hopefully he’ll be able to help us. If not, God help us all.

  5. Batman needs to be fired if he was a regular person like us of the United States. He would’ve been fired a long time ago. He doesn’t do his job. He doesn’t check the borders and he doesn’t protective American people fire him. I don’t want no more tax money going to him.

  6. Batman needs to be fired if he was a regular person like us of the United States. He would’ve been fired a long time ago. He doesn’t do his job. He doesn’t check the borders and he doesn’t protective American people fire him. I don’t want no more tax money going to him.

  7. Where's the bill to detain them you'd have to have a bill a law you just can't do stuff without a law but Trump and republicans want the border to stay open so every time they try to pass a law Trump and republicans don't pass it and that's why it's still open simple like 123 Trump onto the border open and that's a fact

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