Doocy grills Karine Jean-Pierre on Biden’s debate preparation


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks to the press.

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  1. Why don't we know anything. Isn't your job to inform the public about what the government is doing to protect our country. What do we need a press secretary for if they don't have any information.

  2. The people are fully aware that we are supplying BOTH sides of all Wars Always. 💸💸💸💸💸

    Americans want to care about Americans. These opportunists don’t care about Americans. It’s in our faces 24/7.

  3. I’m not even sure why she holds press conferences. She says we’ve been very clear but yet I don’t know any more than I did before she started speaking. She never answers a question. She says we’re not going to get into that or that she’ll have to refer them to someone else. That’s because she doesn’t have a clue.

  4. Crime is not down your administration just stopped arresting people for theft and other crimes we are not stupid as you think we are! KJP your administration and is nothing but liars and cowards and the American people see you for who you truly are, a worm and your administration is all about revenge that's why you stopped everything Trump put in place and now that you all know you are losing you all want to change your stance and do things more like Trump was it is laughable come November you're Fired

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