Do elites show more sympathy towards the antisemitic left?


Semafor politics reporter Shelby Talcott and National Review editor Rich Lowry discuss the protests paralyzing college campuses on โ€˜MediaBuzz.โ€™

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  1. Personally I find it hypocritical that the same people who claim to feel so sorry for the Palestinians are silent on the civilian casualties of the Afghanistan and Iraq war as well as being silent on the Uyghurs who are currently in re education camps in China!

  2. If you send your kid to Columbia or similar school, you're getting ripped off.

    Not one SEC university has had this kind of baloney . You get a better education, awesome football at one third the cost.

  3. Stop lying! The left is not anti-Semitic! Stop pushing liesโ€ฆ.omggg!!! We have sympathy and we have compassion. We can be friends with Israel and check them when they get out of pocket. Just like we would our REAL friends. If Israel is using excessive force and now killing families, mothers and children that are innocent, itโ€™s a problem.

  4. Let us "guess" at the early education of the the "hater-leader."
    Television from an early childhood age, another story in 30 and 60 minutes sometime an hour and half with commercials. He determines the good guys vs. the bad guys (good over evil) commercial break and then he portrays within himself the hero protagonist using the language of the leader protagonist . . . ( he pictures in his memory-thinking-complex: " . . . the Lion King, but a "Zion" King but a sad king who is bad ." It doesn't matter what he thinks exactly, but the implications of this rhetoric on an impressionable even younger generation watching his youtube news without neutral interpretations to frame the stories. Left unchecked or amplified these memes later becomes eivl reality in all of its manifestations. 05:19 second

  5. I paid dearly and i entrusted the safety of my children to your care Madame College President and this is all the safety,security and assurances you can offer me and my children at Columbia University? While we try to earn degrees??๐Ÿคจ

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