Democrats are ‘uniting’ a lot faster than expected: Former DNC official


Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe and former DNC Deputy Press Secretary Jose Aristimuno discuss President Biden’s exit from the 2024 election and VP Kamala Harris garnering support for the party nomination.

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  1. "Wheels on the bus go round & round laughs like a Hyena falling off coconut trees 🌴 🥥 " – Kamala Harris


    "Let's actually make America great again, get these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS out of our country, help our AMERICAN HOMELESS VETS" – Trump

    Geez, I wonder who I'd vote for.
    The current VP cartoon character vs someone who actually helped made our country great….

    BTW, new doners for Kamala, WHO are they? 🤔

    "Trump is a threat to OUR democracy" – democrats

    Wait until yall dems figure out we aren't even a democracy 😂
    Should've paid attention in school 😂😂😂

    BTW, how'd Kamala automatically get that high on polls RIGHT AFTER THE COUP?
    Hmmmm. Rigged much? 😂😂😂

    TRUMP2024 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

    Democrats think we are as dumb as they are 😂 thats cute!

  2. Are you kidding, you have a short memory back in 2020 when Obama got involved all the democrat campaigners dropped out over a weekend and endorsed Joey. If you don't remember history, it will always repeat.

  3. It wont matter..they can polish that turd as much as they is still just a turd..america is on to thier americans know deception and lies when they hear them ,and we have heard and seen too many..the msn cant make us unsee what we already know..what we know is they lie ,cheat, and steal..frankly we are sick of it..we are ready for a president who actually cares about we the people and our country..we will bring back Trump..the only way those losers will win is to cheat be sure we will be watching VERY closely..

  4. Most of that money was already in the coffers from biden. Folks, keep looking at harris’s record. She hasn’t done anything to help the American people. There was a coup. Plain and simple. The citizens of the United States are not stupid. 🇺🇸🙏🏼

  5. "The Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted between July 22 and July 23, found Harris leading Trump 44% to 42% among registered voters."

    But wait!…

    "Harris leads by an even wider four-point margin (42%-38%) in a hypothetical matchup with Trump when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (8%) is on the ballot."

    Buh-bye maga!

  6. Wow , does anyone else notice how they were heavily going with trump and dumping on Biden for a brief amount of time , and now they are right back to pushing narratives and video titles to hype up kamala now that he’s gone . The rig is in

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