Democratic Lawmaker Accuses Marjorie Taylor Greene of Racism After Hearing Turmoil


‘The Big Weekend Show’ panelists give their play-by-play reactions to lawmakers exchanging insults during a House Oversight Committee hearing.

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  1. Smoke and mirrors are all the dummycrats have the sham trial Trump is going thru is all Democrat based underhanded communist tactics chipping away at the free America we know now nothing racist was on the floor just smoke and mirrors to cover what MTG was trying to expose what demonrats are doing.

  2. Shut em down and burn it up. This insane. MTG came at Crockett because Crockpot called her Trailer Trash a few months back, keeps taking sh0ts at MTG and nobody called her out on it.

    Crockpot called MTG a “butch” body.. the alphabet community doesn’t have a problem w that? Interesting..

    Y’all let anyone w a D behind their name say anything they want.

    Calling MTG a bleach blond while she’s wearing a wig of white women hair. Stop it!

  3. By the definition of racism I am racist and it includes all races including my race. To me it is just seeing things for the way they are and seeing that each race has collectively adopted its own ways about them that sets themselves apart from other races and the ways are a lot of times not good.

  4. Well AOC, you stood up to something….but it wasn't a bully! The one you were so unashamedly standing up for is the one who started everything. try though! You'll get it right eventyually. 😂

  5. Well of course it was racism, Crocket is a Democrat isn’t she? Isn’t AOC a racist too, she used the words “baby girl”? Or is she just a ghetto rat like Jasmine Crockett?

  6. Alexandria Cortez needs to leave Congress from what I seen of her she’s has extremist views for being a Democrat and Mrs. Green was right in what she said from what I see on the video Alexandra Costa Cortez was being a bully every time I see that girl she’s always saying dumb things She needs to be voted out and someone else take her place. That’s all I have to say

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